gnoll's Diaryland Diary



at first i had no paert in the activities, i was simply observing from overhead, the only way to observe scenes like these.

a younger micheal caine and friend/partener are flying by the seats of their pants as usual, and i think theyre in Rome.

at one point, i suppose the starting point from my perspective theyre staying afloat holding onto a log as the current takes them along the manmade waterway. at this point i take over as caines' friend.

im certain we're running from someone, and knowing caine it must be the law, but that doesnt mean he's not going to have a good time along the way.

we get to the end of the waterway, a cobblestone ramp. as he hit it we launch right over and down street right into the colliseum, i think. There's some huge black-tie function going on and caine trys to weasel us in, and when that doesnt work we simply run past the people at the entrance and immediately try to blend in. unfortunately we end up having to blend in with the staff instead of the patrons. Caine is allright since he's wearing a white shirt and black pants, he immediately picks up a tray of food and starts offering samples to elderly people. Im not so fortunate i guess, i have a white shirt with beige pants, no-go.

i think ive been spotted so i start to head for the exit, along the way i see a page of coupons that i immediately recognize as being the currency used at this function for buying drinks etc. and grab them. As i near the exit i see a cheese shop, of course i have to check it out. Since all of the prices are in tickets i decide i may aswell use them up and get some cheese. approximately $5/500grams of quality parmesan. im pretty sure each of these tickets is worth $1. i seem shocked by the price, but i really dont know why, that's a prety good price, and free to-boot. Anyway, i buy 15 tickets worth of cheese, and get a canadian $1 bill in change, along with a brief lesson in cheese ettiquette by the store owner : "You're supposed to stand behind the line marked on the floor!" , jeez.

06:30:08 - 2000-01-20


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