gnoll's Diaryland Diary


fando and lis

We were on some balcony overlooking a busy street in some pakistan city. Macaulay Culkin was touring with Spinal Tap, though when they busted into Big Bottoms Macaulay forgot his lines. not like any of the thousands below had any idea anyway, they just threw their arms up and cheered. I was looking after the iguanas that were kept in a cage in the mixing room adjacent to the balcony. all between 3 and 4 years of age. one got loose but i was able to coax him up my arm and onto my shoulders.

in lakeview behind my moms house Whitney Houston was living in the shed/office ian had built. Whitney and i had been seeing each other but it was an up and down kinda thing. she was hesitant but i told her that i loved her and wanted to work things out somehow. she could hear my pager rattling on the kitchen counter in the main house. Inside ian discussed the merits of Anthony Robbins with some bearded guy and chance who was quite taken with the idea of walking on hot coals.

it was early and i needed to split if i was going to make it to work at a reasonable time but it began to rain and then it rained harder. when the rain subsided mark wanted to buy a house but something in the same area and that was like the place he was living in now. co-incidentally there was a house a few doors down that was not only for sale but had an almost identical layout to his current place. a large patio sunroom in the front with a retractable glass ceiling. beyond the front room, inside where the livingroom should have been was a suburd in columbus ohio that had been hit by a tornado the night before.

11:33 a.m. - 2001-06-12


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