gnoll's Diaryland Diary


destro's secret

far too lucid for my liking.

last night i headed over to igor's to pic up some parts. he relocated to the old lakeshore strip of motels and was working out of a garage on the south side right next to the gas station before the park. it was a little late but he's always hanging around so at least i didn't feel pressured about getting there before normal business hours ended. as usual he was preoccupied with with geeting stuff for other people and yelling at the two drunks who help do repairs in the shop. it's one of those two level open faced motels with the open stairs that go to the second level. michelle was staying in one of those rooms. i had to, so i did : i went up the stairs to have a look. the glow of a tv from the far room kept me inching along. the windows were large and the curtain was open wide. i saw them on the couch watching tv. they weren't doing anything, just sitting, but it was enough to make my stomach twist into knots. i couldnt feel my feet or hands and i backed up and headed down the stairs again. my entire body buzzed with uneasiness. I could hear her moving towards the window. she had seen me, so i ran.

I ran down the stairs as fast as i could without tripping over my feet. when i got to the side of the building and out of sight i could hear her yelling something, calling me back perhaps, i have no idea, i kept going.

i walked back to work. we had relocated to an old 4 story house further along west and south of lakeshore. our design team had embraced some sort of commune concept. ryan and a few others worked out in the back turning soil for the gardens we'd plant.

i left.

down by the lake i found a stretch of land where the earth was covered in a layer of rich brown mud and the earth and sky were varying shades of beige and grey. the water was violent and black with waves that moved boulders lining the shore. about 2o yards from the shore was a point in the water where the waves hit the remnants of an old break-wall sending bursts of water 20-30 feet into the air.

down the shore i see a few old homes, now abandoned and riped apart by the elements. next to the last home, which is nothing more than a old dilapidated shell, someone has fashioned several levels of scafolding out of bamboo. the platforms over look one of the more violent aras in the water.

i walked back a bit, to be honest i was seriously afraid of somehow getting swept into the water, the ground being slippery with mud and the water completely treacherous and erratic. though as i moved in safely from the shore i slipped backwards and fell flat on my back in the mud. from behind i heard a laugh, obviously from terence who walked toward me with stephan and ian. though moments later, once i had managed to pick myself up and wipe most of the mud off of my jacket, terence duplicated my fall and with far more weight behind it lodging himself deep in the mud.

11:07 a.m. - 2001-04-30


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