gnoll's Diaryland Diary


east end cabs

Last night i woke up and took a cross-town cab home. Last night i remembered taking a cab home but i was let off a little early. It was nearing 6am and i couldn't decide whether it'd be better to go into work right then or catch a few hours of sleep first.

through the door and up the stairs everything was well lit and white. The building next door was host to a swank art release party. Industrial designers from around the world were showcasing their works from the year 1999. Everything had that scandinavian feel and look : soft, firm, round and colourfull. I chummed around with Leonard Nemoy a little bit, he was sitting on an elevated barbers chair robed in white terry-cloth which made him seem even larger than normal (last night he stood at 7'2")

later on i saw someone with this amazing wooden egg. bult in parts the egg could be "activated" by turning a ribbed dial that went around it's circumference : the egg would then open and a small carved figure inside would grin at you bearing white fangs and red gums. Fiddling with the egg some more eventually made that figured recede down into the "shell" of the egg and another would appear : each time a new figure would appear, each one uglier and meaner looking than the last and with a total rotation of 4 figures.

I wanted one of these eggs, i wanted to give it to caitlin as a present, i knew the egg would be expensive and i knew there was only one. When i saw the lady who owned the egg i asked her how much she wanted for it she said she'd never sell hers but that i could get my own at the booth around the corner for $4. "Awesome" , sure enough there was a small bamboo bowl on a short babmboo table with more eggs, $4 each, i bought Five.

15:55:59 - 2000-11-10


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