gnoll's Diaryland Diary




scene one : im in a large parking lot just outside of a mall with someone. its cold, probably february and i think we're a little further north because the i only see coniferous trees around. not a lot of snow though. then somehow we find ourselves in a car and we're supposedly being kidnapped, and by Boba-Fett no less. Im not terribly worried or even uncomfortable, just a little confused since boba-fett just looks like an ordinary guy dressed in gay "star-trek-like" stuff you typically see people wearing when they go down to a new planet (all natural tones with weird cuts to them. I start asking : "so why don't you have a mask? ... where's your outfit? ... how come you drive a 1979 Monte Carlo and not a space ship?" he then shows me up by hitting a button that makes the wheels fold under the car and we shoot up into the sky.

he's taking us to a secret hide-out until somebody comes to pick us up. As it turns out im C3PO and the person with me (who hasnt said or done a thing) is R2D2. the scret lair turns out to be a rented 3rd floor apartment. its relatively nice though its decorated with a lot of wood and white lace. doilies everywhere. after heating up a slice of pizza for himself Boba-Fett throws it at the wall in disgust saying it tastes like shit. I tell him he's pretty dumb cuz now he's gotta clean it up but he doesnt give a shit because the place is rented anyway. Suddenly i feel a sense of urgency about the fact that we Have been kidnapped and are probably going to be sold to someone. I decide to act on his last comment so in an effort to make us "too much to handle" and start throwing stuff. first i throw the rest of the pizza at the wall and then anything/everything i can get my hands on, glassware, doilies, plastic fruit, the whole time yelling "iT's Only Rented!"

scene two : im at Velvet Underground with Lucas and Nicole. im waiting for them downstairs while theyre in the bathrooms. i get bored, walk upstairs and decide to pull the hood of my sweatshirt over my head and then over my entire face. everybody in the immediate vicinity starts to stare. at that point lucas and nicole return from the bathroom and i notice that nicole has given herself a blonde chelsea haircut. I tell her i wasn't serious when i recommended that hair style to her.

scene three : im at a Busta Rhymes show and feel a little out of place. the interior feels like the concert hall but the stage area is in fact the counter of a skate shop with counters and skateboarding merchandise behind it, and the guy performing isnt busta rhymes. The perspective changes : and from above i seen yellow foam balls with the letter "A" stamped on them dropping down and wedging between people in the audience : a good idea i guess since nobody will get hurt from all of the pushing and shoving. It;s at the end of the shoe and the crowd is getting restless, im getting shoved around a lot, perhaps because one of the only white guys at a show thats slowly turning into a black panthers initiation. the guy on stage starts handing out oversized skate tools (wrench/allen key configs) to the people in the audience. he's doing it slyly as he's essentially stealing the merchandise and he is trying to imply, without words, that the audience should start a riot and smash stuff. funny though, the audience doesnt get it and the energy they had from the concert is now overcome by confusion. they dont know why theyre being handed skate tools And theyre a little confused as to how the skate tool works. I decide not to risk it and make my way to the door.

18:33:04 - 2000-02-27


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