gnoll's Diaryland Diary


pizza bathroom

walking along front street at church i ran into lori, she was walking along the opposite side of the street and ran over as soon as she spotted me. she's apparently really into hanging off of people, literally, grasping your arm with both hands as you walk along and jabbering on about all the nonsense she's done that day. She tried to press her lips all over my place but i managed to push her off and made my way towards the pizza pizza to use the rest room. She only let go moments before she got dragged right into the rest room, and as i walked through the door she yelled that she's wait outside for me.

washing my hands at the sink three guys came up from behind me and started fixing their hair in the mirror. One of them was rather largish and tall, reminding me of that guy who always shows up at larry's to take a shit, the second guy was so neutral looking he blended right into the walls, and the third guy was a bit smaller, effeminate, kinda vincent gallow looking. The vincent guy is the voice for the group and approaches me from behind asking what im doing. "washing my hands". Then they start gabbing on about what theyre gonna do that night. They start talking abut some party and i question them about it to see if i can tag along. Vincent thinks im being forward in some weird way and brushed the back of my head with his hand. I take that as my que to leave and they follow me out.

outside shekie's standing around waiting. one of the trio confronts him on the issue of his loitering and they get into a bit of shoving. the largish fellow looks concerned while shekie shoves the guy around but i hold him back and tell him to stay out of it. finally the two of them run over to help out their friend - shekie see's them coming and run's across the street to a red cavalier, hops in, backs up out of the drive way and speeds up the street towards me. i hop in and we're off.

10:42 a.m. - 2001-03-22


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