gnoll's Diaryland Diary



Something keeps taking me back to 703 Burnhamthorpe. My home branch bank is still across the street at 666 Burnhamthorpe. I was hanging out in my old room upstairs, the amiga 500 was still stitting there logged onto PCSI. awesome.

It was getting a little late so i figured i'd split but my father wasn't down with that plan. As i headed for the door he side stepped right in front of me from the basement doorway. .."err, im leavin' now" - "OH YA!?" ..and he lunged at me trying to get a hold of my neck with his right hand while his left hand reached towards the dining room table for something to smash me with. I quickly leaned back putting myself out of reach, grabbed the rotary phone off the hall table and kept him at bay by violently swinging the receiver around by its cord.

ryan moved into parkdale but his house burnt down. On the way to Tennesse's for brunch i walked by what was left of his place. Surprisingly enough he was there with his mom and they were banging away with hammers framing up some new walls. The new place they were building was really quite massive. It was essentially too large houses positioned one in front of the other with a massive 80' x 80' deck that connected the two. Just off to the side of the deck was a storage room with 50' high ceiling which they intended to share with the folk who would rent out the second house. I suggested that they simply rent the storage area out as a studio instead.

Later there was a party at Bramsey drive. Stephan figured it would be appropriate to get the family together one last time at the family home before it was sold. The invitation wasn't exclusive to family though, freinds and co-workers kept arriving in small packs, most of whom i had never met before. I just sat on the couch flipping through the books my grandmother always kept on rotation on the coffee table. After merely a half hour the gathering had reached 40-50 people and keeping an eye on them all was etting difficult. People were getting restless and soon enough we heared the TV go on in the ajoining room, and then the TV upstairs. Stephen was particulairy annoyed by this. I asked : "why do you even keep the TVs considering you hate them so much?", then pointing over at some guy who went to ryerson stephen replied : "because that guy's arms don't function". I looked closer at the guy, i remebered him from all of my Don Gillies classes. He sat there, same glasses, same goatee, but alas, he didnt have any arms. The sleeves on his shirt were pinned up to the shoulders with safety pins.

02:47 p.m. - Monday, March 19, 2001


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