gnoll's Diaryland Diary



Last night I was wandering around the new liberty village site, just beyond the fence by the academy of spherical arts where they�re putting in the strip mall. Moments later I�m starting the ignition of a long trailer truck that was parked at one end of the parking lot. It was just sitting there unlocked, with the keys still in the ignition no less. Now, I can barely drive, so the satisfaction in getting the truck out of park and moving forward was a bit consuming and overrode any better judgment calls I was about to make. I was able to shift once and left it there. From then on I worked on trying to figure out how to break, which didn�t appear to mirror any car conventions, there were so many pedals by my feet and It was pretty intimidating, so I just opted to let off the gas when I wanted to slow down. I could really feel the weight of the trailer the truck was hauling too, every turn required ridiculous amounts of wheel turning and on a couple of slight turns it felt as if I was about to tip the truck onto its side.

Heading along Dufferin towards the underpass at Queen I realized that I wasn�t going to make the turn. It wasn�t wide enough, I wasn�t far out enough, I was going a little too fast, and I still hadn�t figured out which pedal did the breaking and whatnot. I don�t even recall ever seeing a truck make the turn going east. Then I remembered, from an episode of C.H.i.Ps, that there was probably a second breaking mechanism for the trailer itself, to avoid having it pile into the cab on short stops. I turned around looking for the second break and there�s fucking Jim, sleeping in the cab!

�Dude, sorry, I think I just fucked us.�

He just let out a �Wha?�, sat up and scooped up this mess of empty Dr. Pepper bottles, as if to use them to brace and pad himself against the impending crash.

10:27 a.m. - Tuesday, Jan. 06, 2004


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