gnoll's Diaryland Diary


i ate before bed

One :

There was a homless man who generally hung out in front of vinnies holding a sign announcing his homeless status and asking for spare change. The sign was almost necessary because he generally wore clean clothes that weren't terribly worn. one day he had a pair of Tommy Hilfiger running shoes on. I used to give him boxes of matches and talk to him on occasion. I found out that he was in fact homeless. I also found out that he used to live in quebec, was married and had a home. He seemed like the kind of person who could get his life back in line if he tried hard enough, and with a little luck.

Now he was here at a store somewhere. It was a variety/pawn shop i guess. I was browsing and the homeless mans entrance couldnt have been more perfectly timed as i had been trying to get back around the counter towards the back of the store to check out some of the pawced items kept out of sight but couldnt because the clerk was always eyeing me. As soon as the homeless man arrived the clerk began pestering him to leave and that was when i slipped around the edge of the counter to check out the good stuff. I wasn't looking for illegal or banned items, i simply figured that there might be interesting stuff behind there that wasnt on display at this time simply because there wasnt enough room. I think i found a Mork doll a la Mork & Mindy that i was interested in.

the homeless man had made his way to the back of the store and grabbed me by the collar with his fist and emphatically told me that he had information i would want to know. The store had turned into some cliched police station scene : he's the convict in cuffs and im the baffled detective. At this opoint the homeless amn seemed to look different, a little more clean-cut than before. I explained to some other guy, now present, that the homeless man was "shifting".

Two :

the yonge Future Shop had converted the downstairs section into a large cavernous club. It was surprisingly dark and damp,the walls were roughly cut fom solid rock. after descending several flights of stairs i finally found the supposed line-up into the club section and when walking by i noticed 3 girls who i assumed went to my high school. they all jokingly jid their faces to show their shame for being in such an overly hyped club. The club interior was one large room with ceilings nearly out of sight in the dark lighting, i estimated the room to be approximately 300 feet in all directions, again, all cut from solid rock. there might have been around 100 people in the entire place but because of its size and the fact that they were scattered around seated at booths and tables it seemed relatively empty. I think i turned to leave.

Three :

Im surveying the view from the street just north of the tracks by lakeshore and wondering when theyre going to block the view (?) assuming plans have been made to erect some sort of barrier to obstruct the view from north of the tracks to the lakefront where new building will be built for the "new class" citizens.
three kids (white girl age 16, black boy age 10, white boy age 16) come up the hill towards me and hop the fence. they peg me as easy prey for taunting and hover around me to get a reaction. the black kid seems to be the only one interested in carrying on with the supposed taunting and keeps pushing himself into me. when i finally bother to address him he realizes that his friends have backed of and he does the same.
then im on my bike riding along the outside walkway to the beach. when i get to the rear of the hotal i find that the beach has been shielded by a massive sheet of falling water as a means of giving the hotel patrons their privacy while lounging on the grass and swimming in the pool. ..i guess this is the first stage of the "barrier" that was to go into place seperating the lakefront from the areas north of the tracks. As i ride back along the path to leave the grounds i coome across a larger than life size bronze sculpture of a tiger and from its mouth a drop of bronze spittle fell.

06:33:10 - 2000-02-02


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