gnoll's Diaryland Diary


subway dreams

I know i've been having long pleasant dreams lately but i cant remember any of the details. I know i've been meeting new people and having long conversations. a few minutes ago i daydreamed i was sitting on the subway platform at keele station talking with someone, can't remember whether im on the eastbound or westbound platform but we're sitting with our backs to the wall and there's sun coming from the left of us through the tunnel, which direction is that?

what's interestng is that most of my re-occuring dreams and daily deja-vu's are subway station related. There are two particular situations. 1. heading west on the bloor line and encounter a whole west end extension that i never knew existed. it's very similar to the scarborough route in that it runs above ground. the stops remind me of GO station stops as they are also completely unsheltered. 2. im at stop somewhere on the southern university line, and instead of there being two lanes of track (one north, one south) there are between three and five tracks, this evidentally makes boarding and exiting the subway trains relatively tricky as you have to make your way down into the tracks to exit and enter the train cars, sometimes you even have to enter the tunnels, all the while keeping an ear and eye out for oncoming trains on other tracks. This dream scenario first occured when i was around nine (in the dream i was with "crazy" chris reim, look out for him on wire-fu, coming soon) I believe i have a documented account of this subway dream stored away on paper. Awhile back i used to write everything down, generally in point form, perhaps i should type them up for proper archiving. Im always amazed that when i go back to skim through them even those small points i made on paper manage to re-establish my connection to the dream, i can essentially re-enact the dream in my head perfectly, right down to "gut sensations" i had.

16:43:51 - 2000-04-08


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